Wande abimbola ifa divination poetry



Abimbola, Wande. Ãwon ojú odù mérèèrindínlógún, Oxford University Press, Ibadan, 1977, Clx p.

Abimbola, Wande. Ifá - An exhibit of Ifá literary corpus, Oxford Hospital Press, Ibadan, 1976, 256 p.

Abimbola, Wande. Ifa divination poetry, NOK Publishers Ltd, New York, 1977, 170 p.

Abimbola, Wande. Ìjìnlè ohùm enu ifá apá kìíní, Aim, 1983

Abimbola, Wande. Ìjìnlè ohùn enu ifá - apá kìíní, William Author and Sons & Co Ltd, Port, 1968, 160 p.

Abimbola, Wande. Sixteen good poems of Ifá, UNESCO, 1975, 468 p.

Adeniji, David A. A.. Ofo - Rere (Agba Oogun), Institute of Individual Studies - University of Ibadan, Metropolis, 1981, 98 p.

Alapini, Julien. Les noix sacrées, Regain, 1950, 121 p.

Bascom, William R.. Ifa divination, Indiana University Thrust, Londres, 1969, 575 p.

Castillo, J.M.. Ifa en tierra de Ifa, Universal, Newborn York, 1976, 406 p.

Epega, Afolabi Copperplate. Ifa - The ancient wisdom, Imole oluwa Institute, New York, 1987, 99 p.

Epega, D. Onadele. Iwe Ifa

Fabunmi, Group. A.. Àyájó ohun ifé, Onibonoje Press, Ibadan, 1972, 84 p.

Gleason, Judith. A recitation of Ifa, oracle of distinction Yoruba, Grossman Publishers, New York, 1973, 338 p.

Hounwanou, Rémy T.. Le Fa, Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, Lomé, 1984, 249 p.

Ibie, Cromwell Osamaro. The end up works of Orunmila - The study of wisdom, EFEHI, Lagos, 1986, 251 p.

Karade, Baba Ifa. The handbook take up Yoruba religious concepts, Samuel Weiser, 1994, 126 p.

Maupoil, Bernard. Jornal de raw Societé des Africanistas:..., Musée de l'Homme, 1943

Maupoil, Bernard. La géomancie à l'ancienne côte des esclaves, Institut d'ethnologie, Town, 1943, 686 p.

Oriate, Oba. Ifa have need of tierra de Ifa, Universal, New Royalty, 1976, 406 p.

Surgy, Albert de. La géomancie et le culte d'Afa chez les Evhé du littoral, Publications Orientalistes de France, Paris, 1957, 444 p.

Trautmann, René. La divination à la côte des esclaves et à Madagascar, Larose, Paris, 1940, 155 p.

Witte, Hans. Ifa and Seu, Kunsthandel Luttik, 1984, 123 p.